Kate Cullen Coaching & Photography

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From Concept to Launch: Navigating Decision Fatigue in the Journey to Starting Your Own Creative Business

The importance of decision-making

Embarking on the exhilarating journey of launching your own creative business requires a delicate balance of passion, strategy, and resilience. In this blog post I delve into what happens when you reach the proverbial brick wall – that every decision suddenly becomes overwhelming or too big a challenge to conquer. Decision-making plays a pivotal role it plays in shaping the destiny of your business and ultimately whether or not you even make it to launch day, let alone the end of a successful first year. Join me as I share my personal journey and explore practical tips and effective coping strategies for decision fatigue, ensuring that your creative journey is not only fulfilling but also sustainable in the long run. Uncover the secrets to making informed choices, overcoming challenges, and achieving your dreams for a business you adore.


Decision fatigue is a common challenge amongst many of my clients when they first come to me. Common reasons for hiring a coach like me frequently include having started but have become overwhelmed by the ‘to do’ list and paralysed by decisions that feel monumental for those just starting out. This leads to procrastination, and often things not moving forward to months for even years. That creative business remaining just a dream that feels to difficult to reach.

And this has come into sharp focus for me this month as I am working on launching a new additional business of my own later this year. It has been a stark reminder of how truly difficult it can be to birth a new business into the world, especially one that either necessitates you laying you inner soul and passion bare to the world, and/or creating a business that has no set existing model or framework that is easy to hang your own vision on. The business I am co-founding has elements of both and I confess decision fatigue hit me hard this week as I navigated the legal framework for it all. Some of the decisions we make now have a real measurable impact not only on how we do business, but how we are perceived by those we wish to attract. This has definitely led me to some sustained levels of procrastination I have not experienced in many years!

It has been a reminder to not only be more empathetic of what my clients are going through, but that also in a few months’ time these decisions won’t even feel like a blip on my radar – I will be doing the work, not just thinking about it, and that thought process has spurred me on to dot those is, cross the ts and make carefully considered decisions about the framework of what we are creating.


Tasks that often lead to overwhelm

  • Defining your creative business concept

  • Conducting market research and identifying your target audience

  • Initial decision-making and its impact on future choices

  • Future Proofing the business

  • Brand Identity

  • Legal Frameworks and Responsibilities

  • Website Design & Functionality

  • Developing a comprehensive business plan

  • Setting clear goals and objectives

  • Resource allocation and budgeting

  • Adapting to unforeseen circumstances and making informed choices

  • Recognising the need for scalability

  • Evaluating risks and rewards during the initial years

  • Unforeseen expenses


The reality of decision fatigue

Understanding decision fatigue and its impact on creativity and productivity is crucial to dealing with it when it arises, or hopefully avoiding it altogether.

Common signs of decision fatigue in creative entrepreneurs:

  • Procrastination: Frequent delays in making decisions or initiating tasks.

  • Reduced Productivity: Decline in the overall output and quality of the creative work.

  • Decision Avoidance: Tendency to delegate decisions or avoid them altogether.

  • Impulsivity: Making hasty or irrational choices without proper consideration.

  • Lack of Focus: Difficulty concentrating on tasks and a scattered mindset.

  • Increased Irritability: Heightened sensitivity to stressors and frustration.

  • Overreliance on Habits: Resorting to routine decisions rather than exploring new possibilities.

  • Analysis Paralysis: Feeling overwhelmed by choices, leading to indecision.

  • Forgetfulness: Forgetting details or neglecting important aspects of the business.

  • Physical and Mental Exhaustion: Persistent fatigue and a sense of mental drain.

  • Decline in Creativity: Difficulty generating innovative ideas or solutions.

  • Difficulty in Prioritisation: Struggling to identify and prioritise key tasks.

  • Increased Risk Aversion: Reluctance to take calculated risks in business or creativity.

  • Poor Communication: Challenges in articulating thoughts and ideas clearly.

  • Elevated Stress Levels: Sustained high levels of stress and anxiety due to decision-making pressures.


Importance of addressing decision fatigue for long-term success

Addressing decision fatigue is paramount for achieving and sustaining long-term success on your entrepreneurial journey. As you navigate the intricate landscape of building and growing a business, the choices you make are pivotal in shaping the trajectory of your goals. Decision fatigue, if left unattended, can lead to suboptimal and impulsive choices, hindering strategic planning and overall effectiveness. By recognising and actively managing decision fatigue, you can maintain a clear focus on your goals, make informed and thoughtful decisions, and cultivate a resilient mindset necessary for the challenges of running your own business. Moreover, addressing decision fatigue fosters improved mental well-being, ensuring sustained creativity, innovation, and adaptability. Long-term success demands a proactive approach to decision-making, and by acknowledging and mitigating decision fatigue, you can set the foundation for a more sustainable and flourishing business journey.


Coping strategies for decision fatigue

  1. Prioritise and Batch Tasks: Group similar tasks together and prioritise them, addressing the most critical decisions first to minimise decision fatigue.

  2. Delegate Responsibility: Distribute decision-making responsibilities among team members or seek input from trusted advisors and experts, easing your personal burden – you don’t have to the best at everything!

  3. Implement Decision Frameworks: Develop clear decision-making frameworks or guidelines for common situations to streamline the process and reduce mental load.

  4. Set Decision-Making Limits: Establish specific timeframes or limits for making decisions, preventing prolonged periods of analysis and reducing decision fatigue.

  5. Take Breaks and Rest: Incorporate regular breaks into the workday to refresh the mind, prevent mental exhaustion, and promote overall well-being.

  6. Practice Mindfulness: Integrate mindfulness techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing exercises, or spending time in nature, to stay present and manage stress associated with decision-making.

  7. Utilise Technology: Leverage tools and technology for routine decisions, automating processes to conserve mental energy for more complex choices.

  8. Establish a Routine: Develop a consistent daily routine to create a sense of structure, making decisions within a familiar framework and minimising decision fatigue.

  9. Limit Choices: Simplify daily choices, such as clothing or meals, to reserve cognitive resources for more impactful business decisions.

  10. Seek Input from Others: Collaborate with team members or seek advice from mentors and peers to gather diverse perspectives and share the decision-making load.

  11. Embrace the 2-Minute Rule: Immediately address decisions that take less than two minutes, reducing the accumulation of small choices that contribute to decision fatigue.

  12. Incorporate Physical Activity: Engage in regular physical activity to enhance mental clarity, reduce stress, and boost overall cognitive function.

  13. Establish Clear Goals: Define clear business goals and priorities, guiding decision-making and minimizing uncertainty.

  14. Practice Reflective Thinking: Set aside time for reflective thinking to evaluate past decisions, identify patterns, and continuously improve the decision-making process.

  15. Limit Information Overload: Control the flow of information by setting boundaries on information consumption, preventing overwhelm and decision fatigue.

  16. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate achievements, fostering a positive mindset and motivation for continued effective decision-making.


I truly hope that you find these tips helpful, it’s certainly a reminder for me lately that I can and will get to launch, but I need to be mindful of the overwhelm and procrastination. And if you think someone like me (who gets it!) might be helpful in your journey to launch do get in touch by booking a free 30 minute discovery call below to talk it all through with me.